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Pushing the Scientific Boundaries


Unique Approach

Our patient centric approach ensures all our commercial efforts benefit the patient at a local level. We care for the patients we treat by pushing these scientific boundaries.


Inspired Products

Our product portfolio uses new techniques and scientific breakthroughs to provide solutions to patients who are the most vulnerable. The key to these treatments is the precision when administered.


Pioneering Research

A central tenet of our approach is the tenacity vision and application of our scientists and researchers who work endlessly to provide new understanding of diseases, antibodies and our immune system. 

Biotherapeutics are a Catalyst to Change

Biotherapeutic medicines have helped more than 350 million patients around the world, the possibilities are endless. At their core Biotherapeutics are antibody drug cell therapy products where the active substance is extracted or produced from a biological source.


Our Values

At Madarik we use biomedical science to enrich peoples lives and enhance their quality of life. This is underpinned by our four value pillars; Transformative, Pioneering, Impactful, Bold.


Welcome to Madarik,

Biotherapy is the fastest growing sector in the pharmaceutical industry and is defined as any type of treatment that is produced by – or involves living cells. Madarik a Saudi company based in Riyadh, has a unique license and partnership for therapies that are based on biological processes in cells rather than chemicals synthesised in the laboratory. Madarik: 

  • Provides hospitals and pharmacies with innovative new treatments that are modified directly to the patient; and

  • Assists governments efforts to increase the health and the wellbeing of their population

  • Equips health care professionals with effective customized solutions to unique patient conditions;

  • Facilitate Saudi, GCC and Middle East Africa patients who are clinically challenged to find solutions/treatments and cures for:

  1. Diabetes,

  2. Anaemia,

  3. Venuous Ulcers,

  4. Haematological conditions,

  5. Skin conditions/Complex wounds

Interesting Fact

There are 37 trillion cells in the human body. The human genome (the genetic code in each human cell) contains 23 DNA molecules called chromosomes each containing from 500,000 to 2.5 million nucleotide pairs. This presents endless possibilities for a scientist understanding and curing diseases

Copyright © 2021 Madarik

Address 1, Address 2, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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